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俄罗斯女孩 1993 / 163 莫斯科的,想结婚。生个孩子。移居到另一个国家是可能的。继续你的职业生涯。我远程工作。这样我就可以在世界任何地方工作. 特点。 我性格平静,开朗,聪明,勇敢,勤奋,我热爱自我发展-我为此投入了大量时间,温柔,女性化,合理,漂亮,美丽,善良,真正的同理心。 喜欢运动。文学。外语。自我发展。行程



兴趣爱好: 自我发展、教育——例如,现在我正在学习心理学课程、高级培训。 我喜欢运动、健身、游泳、瑜伽。我每周去健身俱乐部 3 次。我自己做。过去,我是田径候选人。因此,运动始终存在于我的生活中。


我喜欢读书,我每天都读书。这些是经典、心理学、艺术书籍 我也经常去剧院、博物馆和文化活动。 我懂英语。而且我不会止步于我的水平,我会不断提高它 我喜欢旅行。其中包括其他国家以及前往其他城市的旅行。


Would like to get married. Give birth to a child. It is possible to move to another country. Move on with your career. I work remotely. So I can work in any part of the world,



Character. I am calm, cheerful, smart, brave, hardworking, I love self-development - I devote a lot of time to this, gentle, feminine, reasonable, pretty, beautiful, kind, a true empath


Hobbies: Self-development, education - for example, now I’m taking a course in psychology, advanced training. I go in for sports, fitness, swimming, yoga. I go to the fitness club 3 times a week. I do it myself. In the past, I am a candidate for athletics. Therefore, sport is always in my life.



I love to read, I read every day. These are classics, psychology, art books I also often go to the theater, museums, and cultural events. I know English. And I don’t stop at my level, I continue to improve it I love to travel. These include other countries and just trips to other cities. Like Sport. Literature. Foreign language. Self-development. Trips


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俄罗斯女孩 1993

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