七十后的征婚-1973 - 164. 俄罗斯女士, 管理硕士, 想要结婚,享受生活,幸福地享受彼此的陪伴。爱好:跳舞、烹饪。性格:开朗、有幽默感、勤奋、忠诚、善于沟通。寻找一位自给自足的男士,善良,善于沟通,自信,热爱旅游, VIP 谈详细 N7280333, 问达吉娅娜红娘
Russian lady 1973 - 164, masters degree, managerial masters degree N7280333 wants to get married and enjoy life, enjoy each others company happily. Hobbies: dancing, cooking. Character: cheerful, with a sense of humour, diligent, faithful, good communicator. Looking for a self-sufficient man, kind, communicative, confident, loves traveling
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