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俄罗斯女士征婚-89年的属相--小龙, 1989 - 165 人力部门的工作,公共关系、人力资源,我非常活跃和精力充沛,我喜欢旅行和运动。我相信运动就是生命。我做自我发展和瑜伽。我从小就喜爱马,并参与骑马活动。三年前,我从屠宰场救出了一匹马。在与人交流时,我总是接受别人有发表自己意见的权利;我相信在任何问题上都可以找到妥协的办法。我想找到一个有相似人生价值观的人,建立一个坚固的家庭。欢迎VIP 谈详细了解 问达吉娅娜红娘 N811099

education & work in Public Relations, Human Resources。I am very active and energetic, I love to travel and play sports. I believe that movement is life. I do self-development and yoga. Since childhood I have loved horses and been involved in horse riding. 3 years ago I rescued a horse from a slaughterhouse. When communicating with people, I always accept the right of others to have their own opinion; I believe that a compromise can be found on any issue. I want to find a person with similar life values ​​and create a strong family.

Members are welcome to talk in details, ask Tatiana matchmaker for details!


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